Creating a Flower of Life Mandala

The flower of life design is simple and has beauty based on its mathematical precision. I don’t remember exactly when this happened but when I was in 9th or 10th grade I had to get a compass for my math class. I was fascinated by the designs I could create and spent more time trying to construct geometric designs than doing my math homework. It was during that time that I learned how to make a circle with a little flower inside.

Now, I have a professional grade compass with a screw adjustment that keeps the exactness of the circles being drawn. Here I have drawn a 4-inch center circle. Six points are connected forming the daisy design.

The flower of life extends each of the arcs drawn in the initial circle out to form a new circle.

When I started this adventure of constructing a flower of life mandala I used regular black lead pencils in my compass but that became confusing if I did not construct my circles in exactly the right order. I realized using colored pencils would help. In the above I have the center circle plus 2 rounds of six circles around it. I was working on a 18×24 inch sketch pad so think I can reach 5 rounds before I run out of space. i have had an issue in losing precision over time so do not have anything beyond this but that will be continued.

In the meantime, here is a coloring book mandala based on the flower of life that I colored around 2005-6, the book is Magic Mandala by Martha Barfeld,