
The first mandala below reminded me of walking a labyrinth although technically it is more like a maze. In a labyrinth there is one pathway from the circumference to the center and one path from the center outward. Yet, coloring this mandala made me think of walking a labyrinth which is done slowly and meditatively. One loses oneself in the moment.

From Color-it. Mandalas to Color.

With a coloring book and pens I make my way slowly from the center outward pausing at the end of each round to select a new color and examine the overall piece. As I am moving along my consciousness is engaged with the place my pen touches paper not the overall mandala. I do not know how it will look until it is finished. I choose a color to begin and let it evolve from there.

From Color-it. Mandalas to Color.

Sometimes a round may be made up of one pen stroke. Sometimes it is made of small clusters of shapes.

From Action Publishing. Mandala Coloring Magic.